Support physicians can be located anywhere on the planet with only their computer, internet access, and access keys for the medical records they are authorized to access
Typical sequence for use of “Clinic-in-A-Bag”:
- The person to be examined presents himself at the kiosk (with an appointment or simply walks in)
- If he does not have a record, one is opened in the cloud, and a doctor can be assigned to him or her or he can be included if he already has one
- The exam lasts an average of 20 minutes, including the 3-point electrocardiogram
- At the end of the exam, the complete report can be received in a few seconds
- If no problem was found, it can just be archived as part of the statistics, or the required credentials can be sent to your doctor as part of a protocol
- If a problem or marginal cases are found, the credentials are sent to your doctor(s) for action. The doctor(s) have(s) access to the medical record with the appropriate credentials.
- The doctor can request another additional consultation by videoconference (in this case the doctor can make the video conference by any other means such as WhatsApp or equivalent in this case the patient does not have to return to the kiosk if it is not necessary)
- Anyone with the appropriate credentials can also access the statistical reports of the kiosk account