Medical Healthcare

Proven Cybermedicine Solutions

Technology Creative Core based in El Paso, Texas and IMPULSO-6DFAB based in Cd Juárez Chih México have been pioneers in the introduction of low-cost Telemedicine and Cybermedicine systems in North America in the last 10 years. 

Innovation in Crisis Response

The covid-19 pandemic has made humanity aware of the need for faster and more effective systems and technologies to prevent and control this type of calamity.

Revolutionizing Healthcare Systems

Our systems: “Clinic-in-A-Bag” by Rijuven Corp. (India/USA) and “ReMeDi” (India) are already the first stone of a revolution in health care.

In addition, we have initiated a Research, Design and Development program with the “NODO” of the Tecnológico Nacional de México Cd Juárez campus for the development of new telemedicine systems of even lower cost so that they can be acquired by the general public to achieve quasi-continuous diagnosis in their homes as well as other medical equipment in general including Intensive Care rooms.

> Clinic-in-a-Bag